Although I only got a small amount of replies from my questionnaire (4 responses), they were helpful for me. these were the results from the people that reviewed it.
As you can see the results given are varied, there is a low, medium and a high rating. The advice given to me was understandable and helpful. The improvements given were as followed:
- A better quality image needed for the main image
- Add more colour
- loosen up the shapes to make them less boxy
- The ratings down the side of the page
- The way I've done Eddies name
- Lip sync was in time and correct
- Multiple locations
- Use of props e.g. guitar
- The creativity in booking a hotel room for the video
- Concentration on all the locations at the end of the video
- My use of cinematography with the different shots used
- Use of the tracker and pan shots going vertically and horizontally
- Including a female to the video for a bit of the narrative
- Spinning of the record player (using imagery to match the lyrics)
- Use of the studio as it is a performance video
By using Facebook I was not only reaching out to my friends
but I was also reaching out to those I didn't know, those who were told about
the video by others, this was good as well, this increased my audience range
and also increased the amount of feedback I got back. The ability to connect
with others on social media nowadays is hugely increasing with the amount of
networks opening up every week.

With these results off of my friends, I was able to change
anything needing to be changed in order to fulfil my target audience, this is
also why I used Facebook as a source of feedback, my friends on Facebook are
the target audience that would be trying to aim for in the world. Although
there was a very high amount of positive feedback there was some negative. I
could have looked upon this feedback in a bad way but took it as
constructive criticism and I was able to make vital changes to my products. The
main negative that people pointed out was that the music sound quality wasn't
very good, I tired many times to try to correct this but I was not able to.
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