Friday, 3 April 2015

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Monday, 23 March 2015

Evaluation question 4 - How did I use media technology in the proess of making my music video

These are some of the websites that I remember sing throughout my course, although I have used more, I've just forgotten the names of some:

This is a link to a video analysis of more of my technologies used in the construction of my media products

Everio Camcorder -- In this video I talk about how and when I used the camcorder. I talk about settings used, where I used it and also why I used it ad then chose not to use it.

Mini-x Speaker -- In this video I will be talking about the speaker that I used for extra sound when we were out and filming the music video

Sony HDV Camcorder -- In this video I will be talking about the camcorder that I used t film the whole of the music video. I will explain why I chose to use it and where I used it.

Tripods -- In this video I will be talking about the tripods used hen creating my products

DSLR Camera -- In this video I will be talking about the camera that I used to create my ancillary images

Tracker -- In this video I will be talking about the tracker used to make the tracking shot

Evaluation question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I have prepared a survey which I am hoping will give me a wide range of result to help me in improving my music advert poster

Although I only got a small amount of replies from my questionnaire (4 responses), they were helpful for me. these were the results from the people that reviewed it.
As you can see the results given are varied, there is a low, medium and a high rating. The advice given to me was understandable and helpful. The improvements given were as followed:
  1. A better quality image needed for the main image
  2. Add more colour
  3. loosen up the shapes to make them less boxy
Although I got these responses late and I wasn't able to correct my ancillary text, it is helpful for if I very do this type of thing again. The positive feedback given was as followed:
  1. The ratings down the side of the page
  2. The way I've done Eddies name
Also, not shown on the audience feedback from the questionnaire, these were also things that people liked about the video;
  1. Lip sync was in time and correct
  2. Multiple locations
  3. Use of props e.g. guitar
  4. The creativity in booking a hotel room for the video
  5. Concentration on all the locations at the end of the video
  6. My use of cinematography with the different shots used
  7. Use of the tracker and pan shots going vertically and horizontally
  8. Including a female to the video for a bit of the narrative
  9. Spinning of the record player (using imagery to match the lyrics)
  10. Use of the studio as it is a performance video

By using Facebook I was not only reaching out to my friends but I was also reaching out to those I didn't know, those who were told about the video by others, this was good as well, this increased my audience range and also increased the amount of feedback I got back. The ability to connect with others on social media nowadays is hugely increasing with the amount of networks opening up every week.

With these results off of my friends, I was able to change anything needing to be changed in order to fulfil my target audience, this is also why I used Facebook as a source of feedback, my friends on Facebook are the target audience that  would be trying to aim for in the world. Although there was a very high amount of positive feedback there was some negative. I could have looked upon this feedback in a bad way but took it as constructive criticism and I was able to make vital changes to my products. The main negative that people pointed out was that the music sound quality wasn't very good, I tired many times to try to correct this but I was not able to.

Evaluation question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Evaluation question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media products include; media music video, music advert for a magazine and a CD 6-sided Digi pack

Conventions used within my music video

I have many conventions of a normal music video, for example, when I was researching different videos for inspiration on my own video, I found features which I would know I’d use in mine. Pharrell Williams’ song ‘Happy’ used a feature which I used within my own. Within the song there is the same artist singing the song in a varied amount of locations. There are a large number of locations which are all different to one another, I used my knowledge of the local area to find 6/7 locations which are all different to each other, this mixed up my video and within the audience feedback proved to be a good choice as a lot of responses showed that they liked the varied amount of locations.
This is a selection of my locations where my artist featured:

This is a selection of locations where Pharrell appeared in his video 'Happy':

Although there are a lot more locations that Pharrell used, I tried to follow what he has done and use many locations rather than only a few. Within my audience feedback a lot of people had commented on that that they liked the numerous locations, they liked not knowing where he would be next and that it kept the video 'alive' in some was a they didn't get bored of looking at the same 2/3 places.

Although I did think of many other places that I could of used and that would of been very helpful, I was limited to the choice of locations I could get to, for example, me and Eddie would have to get there, this would mean money, and transport to getting o the locations. This could of increased my grade of my video but I wasn't able to get to any other better locations I used what I had and put the nearby locations to full use.

Also like most music videos, my shots changed with the beat of the song in most cases, this was another likeable feature from my audience feedback. Because it changed with the beat of the song, there were very few shots lasting more than 5 seconds. I did this to not let the viewer get bored or too use to the same location.

In addition to both of these conventions, I used one more specific feature from a music video. At the start of ‘Stolen Dance’ by Milky chance, he is sat there with the start of the song playing and he is holding a guitar (like Eddie was in mine) and is motionless until the guitar tune comes in and then he starts playing (like Eddie did in mine)

Using conventions of other videos when using the tracker. Within the music video 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams, there are numerous tracking shots of people singing the song, I took some of these conventions and applied to my own video. for example, at 1:12-1:15 in the song, there is a tracking shot of Pharrell and I used this same shot in my own video with Eddie in the hotel. In my video it is shown at 2:49-2:54

Conventions used within my music poster

When looking at my music poster which is set to be a music magazine advert, you can see certain conventions I have used which you would see on normal adverts. For example the use of the ‘5 Stars’ comment and also other artist and magazine comments. This is a convention used by music industries when producing adverts, the reason this is used is to persuade your audience into buying the advert and by showing comments made by artists, magazines, website etc. you can show that your product is already widely known by sometimes the ‘big brands’ of the industry.

The ITunes, Spotify and HMV logo are there to show the audience the availability of the product and where it can be found, this is used on practically all other music adverts.

Also, because my audience is mainly 18-25yr olds, I have put a QR code on the advert cover, this is because it is rare to find someone these days without a phone or device with a camera, usually most phones now are touch screen and are adapted to carry apps. With this you can get a QR code scanner app which allows you to scan these codes and you are then taken to a website, game, store etc. I would have my QR code go to the official website of my artist.

Conventions used within my CD Digi Pack

On the front of my Digi pack, I have the obvious convention of using an image of the artist and the name of the artist, as simple as it is, many CD pack do this too, it is an easy way of simply showing the viewer of the pack who it is.

The back of the CD pack couldn’t be more stereotypical to look at, although it is very conventional with the barcode and song list, I think it looks good as it is what you would expect to see.

The first inside slit of the Digi pack is a list of tour dates to look at, I put the tour dates there because you will always see them when you open up the pack, I didn’t put them in the left of the pack on the inside because of the simple fact that it can be easily avoided when taking out the cd you want, therefore I put it on the inside cover when you open it out.

My CD’s are relatively easy to explain, the first one is just a picture of Eddie on the cd which you would sometimes expect to see and the second cd, the one that has the purpose of showing the video, is labelled ‘music video’.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Evaluation questions -- A2 Coursework

Evaluation Questions Advanced Portfolio

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?

4) How did you use media technologies in 
   A) Construction stages
   B) Research stages
   C) Planning stages
   D) Evaluation stages

Organising the final filming times for my music video

The final filming times have now been planned, it will be on the 21st March Saturday

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Problems with not uploading

My video has been put on to my blog but it isn't not loading up for submitting properly. Also you can see that I had uploaded it by the submission deadline on Friday the 13th of February.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Second draft of my music video

filming complications and why my video isn't complete

On the day that I was going to finish all of my music video, Eddie cancelled due to a hospital appointment. this has caused me to be unable to finish my music video.
Also during the half term he is busy 

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Digi packs and my choice of template

For finding a choice of CD packs was simple, on the Wyke website within the A2 Media section, there is a link to a website called Disc Wizards. From this you go to the site and there is a choice of packs to choose from. The pack that I have chosen is a 6-sided, 2 disc pack. This was very easy to choose from as there was a large selection of choices. I have 2 disc spaces because one will be the music video and the other could be bloopers or interview with my artist.

Additional lighting in the studio

I will be using additional lighting in the studio for when I film on Thursday. I am using extra lighting because when I filmed in the studio last time it was dark and the camera image looked fussy due to low quality of lighting. My additional lighting will be effective because to capture a good image the object you film needs to be lit up, the camera doesn't capture the object as it more focuses and captures the light coming off of the object.

Fake money for the video

In my music video I have Eddie throwing money around in the street, for this I have printed of a numerous amount of these £20 notes and cut and glued them together to make the illusion that Eddie is trowing real money around. I have used fake money because there will be windy conditions, in a street surrounded by hedges, this means that the money (if real) could get caught in the wind and get lost. Therefore I will be using fake money. Also the amount of the money would be in the area of £300, this is a big risk to be carrying it aroud or if I lost it in the process of filming. 

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Organisation of cast for Wednesday the 11th

I will be uploading the texts and messages soon :)

Implications with filming

With the deadline coming up, I am getting as much of my filming that I can to finish my work. Although with this, I am having slight implications of my actor’s availability. I am filming on Wednesday the 11th and almost all of the rest of my filming will be done on that day.
I am going to have to squeeze on an additional bit of filming as well which can maybe seem to be tricky. This will consist of being outside in the dark and also being cold.

What I will do to overcome this;
The lighting;
I will make artificial lighting around the area that I will be filming in. I am thinking of using Eddie’s car for extra lighting around the area I am filming.

Temperature and weather;
Eddie will be wearing a coat of some sort to act in. if there is rain or weather problems of that sort then I will be providing extra cover.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Filming times

I will be filming my music video on Sunday the 1st of February at South Cave Castle in South Cave. I will be getting there around 5:30 so that we can start filming, the filming will last around 1hour and a half. After the filming at the hotel we will be going back to my house and start filming some more of the music video.
In the hotel room there will be a sequence I will film that will prove to be very difficult. The process is as followed; I will track across the bed with Eddie and Abbie on the bed (Eddie singing), then I will very slowly pan 350ish degrees to the left as Eddie gets changed into his second outfit, as I am panning Abbie and Eddie will have to stay out of view of the camera. This will be hard as Eddie is going to be getting changed at the same time.

The reason why I am going to do this is because I will then in the editing suit speed up the process when I pan the camera. The change of clothes will be obvious. I am still debating whether or not to have Abbie change clothes.
With Eddie change he will walk to the door and then into the hall way where there will be a short three/four second piece.

Pictures of the hotel room

These are pictures of the hotel room and hallway that I will be filming in on Sunday. I have been granted to use the room for free as long as I am able to leave it in the same way as I got it. It will take around 1hr and 1/2 to do the filming but the room has been booked out for me all day

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Filming at South Cave Castle

I have called up South Cave Castle and I have arranged to meet with them so that I can see a hotel room for my filming of my music video. I will be going in and looking around for the room that I will be filming in. If all goes to plan and I am able to film in the room then I will be filming on Sunday the 1st of February.

There will be me, Eddie and Lauren in the hotel room filming for the music video (there might also be a hotel member of staff in the room for supervision).
I will be uploading pictures of the room later tonight once I have been and checked it out.

Ideas for CD cover

Front Cover

  • Sunset picture of Eddie at foreshore
  • Eddie in the studio with his guitar 
Inside Left
  • Lyrics for the song
  • Tour dates 
  • Background information on Eddie
  • Fan appreciation message from Eddie
Back Cover
  • Lyrics for the song
  • Tour dates
  • Background information 
CD Spines
  • Name of album
  • Name of artist
Hidden inside pocket
  • Tour dates
  • Lyrics
Inside Cover
  • Fan appreciation 
  • Background information on Eddie
  • Selfies with fans
Inside Right
  • Medium close-up
  • Close-up
Inside centre left
  • Medium Close-up
  • Close-up

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Changing my ancillary texts

After a lot of thinking and planning I have chosen to retract my idea of making a website for my artist. The reason for this is because I looked into creating a website and I saw the difficulty in making all of the pages, for this is have chosen to change it to an advert in a magazine.

CD digi pack template

This is the template that I will be using for my CD s-sided pack, the reason why I have chosen this one is because I have a lot of CD’s that are laid out like this and for me is it easier to follow the conventions of these previous packs that have been made.

The three templates below show the insides, outsides and spinal column of the CD pack.

Starting my ancillary texts

In addition to my music video I will be doing two more pieces of extra work to go along with it (ancillary texts). The two ancillary texts that I will be doing is a 6-sided digi pack for a single CD and an advert in a magazine for a new album being released by Eddie.