Saturday, 20 December 2014
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
New filming times
After having problems with arranging filming times, I have spoken to Eddie and we have arranged to film on the Monday and the Wednesday. this time round i will try not make any mistakes, this is because it can mess up my video, also I will have little time to be editing on the Wednesday at my time slot, 2pm-4pm
My new filming times are as followed;
Monday 15th -- All day
Wednesday 17th -- Half day
After my filming on Wednesday i will be then in Wyke College editing together my video
My new filming times are as followed;
Monday 15th -- All day
Wednesday 17th -- Half day
After my filming on Wednesday i will be then in Wyke College editing together my video
Extra Tech
As well as my digital technology I am also taking out a tracker with me to my locations. This will help me keep a smooth run when I am doing a pan of the area
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Digital technology I have used
The digital
technology that I am using for my A2 Media coursework is as followed; Phone,
Prezi, You Tube, Video Camera and an iPod.
Phone – I have
used my phone to communicate with Eddie and sort out locations, also to get shots of me filming eddie
Blogger - I have used Blogger to record all of my
progress, research and planning.
Prezi - I have used Prezi in order to present
elements of my planning and research.
You Tube – I
have You Tube for uploading videos which are too big for the blogger limit,
also for the use of feedback form
random viewers.
Video Camera
– the camera I will be using is a Sony HVR-HD 1000E, it is a big video camcorder.
I will be using it to film my music video
iPod – I am using my iPod for the music of my music video to play when we are filming
Final Cut Pro
- I used Final Cut Pro in order to
edit my animatic together. I have never used Final Cut Pro before therefore it
was a struggle to use because it was the first time I had used the program. Luckily
I had Ben the media technician on hand to help me.
Complications with filming;
I am having to re film my work as the quality of my original
footage isn't very good, with this I had to re-organise my shoots. This became
a problem for me as my artist, Eddie, is going to be busy the next two weekends
in a row. I now have to film my work outside of college and after college, this
will cause another problem for me because the light goes early and now that we
are in December the weather can be an issue. Although this will cause an issue, we are trying to resolve it by organising a meet up out of college before next week
Friday, 5 December 2014
Timing of filming problems
After reviewing my first shots of filming I realised that I would
need to re-shoot my video that I had already done. This is because the quality of
the video is very poor. My resolution for this is that I got straight on the my messages and got in touch with Eddie. I contacted Eddie and told the situation in hand. with this we are now trying to resolved the problem
Thursday, 4 December 2014
My first filming shots of my music video
After I filmed my first shots, I watched them over and I realised
that the quality of the videos were poor. After realising this I set out again
to re-film my music video again. What I was doing wrong in my videos is that my
video framing was poor, I had a lot of empty space around my artist and the
angles I shot at were no good. Some of my shots worked but also the format of
the video recorder was a pain to convert on to the appropriate format as it wouldn't
go straight on to the PC. Also when I turned my recorder vertical the framing
of the video was again poor in the sense that if I rotated it back then there
would be black panels on the sides of the screen and this would make the video
look unprofessional.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Focus group questions and response
Focus group questions
What is your favorite genre of music video?
What do you think makes a successful video?
What do you think makes an unsuccessful video?
Do you like to see a narrative story being played out in the music video?
Do you like some of the lyrics on screen during the music video?
Do you like to see artist performances?
Do you prefer to have a story played or a performance from the
artist?-Friday, 28 November 2014
Organising my hotel room filming at Cave Castle in South Cave
I emailed South Cave Castle with this message
(I am uploading the picture of the email soon)
From this they called me back and we started to discuss the appropriate situation of me filming in the hotel rooms.
I will upload the video of me on the phone with the hotel soon...
(I am uploading the picture of the email soon)
From this they called me back and we started to discuss the appropriate situation of me filming in the hotel rooms.
I will upload the video of me on the phone with the hotel soon...
Travel arrangements for Eddie
Eddie lives quite far away in Withernsea/Hornsea, Eddie has his own car so therefore he is able to travel to me, because he is travelling a large distance and will be travelling a lot to get the shots done, I have spoken and arranged to give him money for his petrol, around £30 is the price that I will pay for his petrol which is understandable because he is doing this voluntarily for me and he is making his own way to me. Also he is at college so he isn't in full time employment which means he doesn't have a lot of money to spend on petrol.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
This is the weather forecast fo the weekend when I am wanting to film
The first weather forecast is for Saturday the 29th of November. This sis
the day that I would like to be filming my music video. I will be starting the
videoing early in the morning and then hopefully get as much of the filming
done as possible.
The first place that I will be filming at is at my house on the couch. This will be the first place I will be filming at because if it is early in the morning it doesn't matter due to the filming being inside and also the weather is usually grim and really cold in the mornings so with it being inside I can make the most of the time that I will have.
The second place that I will be filming in is Welton Waters; this is the most awkward place to get to as it is down a dirt track. I will want to go in the morning for the filming of the video, the reason why I’m going in the morning is because of that the area I’m going to is hardly used and also it is the easiest place to film at.
From Welton Waters we will move on to going to Hessle Foreshore, by then the weather should have picked up and it should be a little better although it will still be cold because it is on the foreshore. The two locations at the foreshore are very close to each other and are within 30 seconds walking distance. This is good as we can then move straight on the second location at the foreshore without traveling via car.
I have this second weather forecast up because the first day might turn bad and be too cold to film, therefore I will need a backup day, the day after is my back up day which I hope I don't need to use.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Animatic second draft
Animatic first draft
This is my first draft for my animatic video. When
making my video it took only about two days to complete but I know for sure
that when it comes to editing my music video it will take a lot longer to edit
and make. Within the first draft that I made I found two errors. The first
error was that one of the images wasn't edited properly to fit the screen and
it looked out of place in the video. Also the second problem that I found was
that I had missed a slot on the video, this made the video go black for a
couple of seconds and it made it look tacky. I am currently in the process of
making these corrections and I will be uploading the correct second draft
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Outfits for each location
This is what I will be having when Eddie is performing when he is walking down the back road
When in front of the old windmill at Hessle foreshore I will be wanting Eddie to wear something like this
When in the tunnel I would like Eddie to be wearing

When sat on the bed this is what I want Eddie to be wearing
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Possible places that my music video could be shared to
You tube
I think that by putting my video onto you tube it has such a
high chance of going viral and being seen and watched by an endless amount of
people. You tube is a massive influence in an artists music, you tube allows
the public to search the song that they are looking for from all corners of the
world. As well as listening to their music the public can also watch their
favourite artist perform. The publics accessibility to the newest songs and biggest
hits is easy on you tube, the site suggests popular songs that other people are
watching and have ‘liked’. The ability to ‘like’ a video and also comment your
thoughts has a huge impact on the artist and editor of the video. The public
voice can be very enthusiastic and positive towards the video made
MTV is another great way to get music across to your
audience, my target range for my music video is 15-20yr olds, and this is a
perfect age range for the viewers of MTV. MTV’s main audience is late teens and
early 20s, this is why I think that my video would suit this show, MTV also has
a diverse and wide range of famous directors and artists at their call. The
advantage of this for the newer music editors and directors is that their music
can be seen by the top artists and top producers. Once seen by these people the
new talents to the music industry can be picked up by MTV and their people and
thrown into the world of high end music production.
Music Channels
Music Channels are influential on how many people see the video,
genre specific music channels also exist these days, which can help people view
music videos they like. Music channels are no longer exclusive to people who
pay for Sky or Virgin TV subscriptions. VIVA and 4Music are for everyone to see
as they are channels that are on free-view which has been rolled out across the
entire country. Free-view is the minimum required to be able to watch
Monday, 10 November 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Short narative essay of Rockstar by NIckleback
NIckelback --
Through Tim O’Sullivan’s theory where ever media text has a
story, this song can be applied to the theory as the story is about becoming a
big rock star with money and everything you could want. The song lyrics explain
in detail the main aspects of what the average person would want when they have
loads of money being famous. Within the video there is a huge variety of people
that are singing the song, this shows that it relates to a very wide range of
ages and both genders. In terms of verisimilitude the video relates very well
to the public as most of the idea that the song has about money and fame is
what most of the public would have themselves. From the possible 8 types of
narrative a music video can have, Rockstar has a more Cinderella effect, by
this the dreams of what the people are wanting come true.
The narrative of the video through Todorov’s equilibrium of
diegesis with the distribution of someone’s life with the dreams that they
want, they then go on about what they are wanting to get and how they will get
it (quest), but they don’t get what they are dreaming of, they only speak about
it. But they seem happy about it and accept it, the song is for IF they were
able to buy their life and fame with money.
Sven Carlson’s theory of every video falls into two types of
videos, performance or conceptual clips, this song, Rockstar, falls into the
conceptual clip type. This is because the video is more entertaining to watch
the video itself than listen to the song. The conveying mood of becoming famous
and having everything you could want. Stuart Halls reception theory is where
the audience see a video in different ways due to encoded messages throughout a
video. Most audiences are dominant, this means that they agree with the
ideology of the video and song, there are a oppositional viewers which say the
video is a stretch too far as people wouldn’t get the chance to any of the things
in the video and that it increases peoples hopes too much when they will never
Saturday, 25 October 2014
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