Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Filming times

I will be filming my music video on Sunday the 1st of February at South Cave Castle in South Cave. I will be getting there around 5:30 so that we can start filming, the filming will last around 1hour and a half. After the filming at the hotel we will be going back to my house and start filming some more of the music video.
In the hotel room there will be a sequence I will film that will prove to be very difficult. The process is as followed; I will track across the bed with Eddie and Abbie on the bed (Eddie singing), then I will very slowly pan 350ish degrees to the left as Eddie gets changed into his second outfit, as I am panning Abbie and Eddie will have to stay out of view of the camera. This will be hard as Eddie is going to be getting changed at the same time.

The reason why I am going to do this is because I will then in the editing suit speed up the process when I pan the camera. The change of clothes will be obvious. I am still debating whether or not to have Abbie change clothes.
With Eddie change he will walk to the door and then into the hall way where there will be a short three/four second piece.

Pictures of the hotel room

These are pictures of the hotel room and hallway that I will be filming in on Sunday. I have been granted to use the room for free as long as I am able to leave it in the same way as I got it. It will take around 1hr and 1/2 to do the filming but the room has been booked out for me all day

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Filming at South Cave Castle

I have called up South Cave Castle and I have arranged to meet with them so that I can see a hotel room for my filming of my music video. I will be going in and looking around for the room that I will be filming in. If all goes to plan and I am able to film in the room then I will be filming on Sunday the 1st of February.

There will be me, Eddie and Lauren in the hotel room filming for the music video (there might also be a hotel member of staff in the room for supervision).
I will be uploading pictures of the room later tonight once I have been and checked it out.

Ideas for CD cover

Front Cover

  • Sunset picture of Eddie at foreshore
  • Eddie in the studio with his guitar 
Inside Left
  • Lyrics for the song
  • Tour dates 
  • Background information on Eddie
  • Fan appreciation message from Eddie
Back Cover
  • Lyrics for the song
  • Tour dates
  • Background information 
CD Spines
  • Name of album
  • Name of artist
Hidden inside pocket
  • Tour dates
  • Lyrics
Inside Cover
  • Fan appreciation 
  • Background information on Eddie
  • Selfies with fans
Inside Right
  • Medium close-up
  • Close-up
Inside centre left
  • Medium Close-up
  • Close-up

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Changing my ancillary texts

After a lot of thinking and planning I have chosen to retract my idea of making a website for my artist. The reason for this is because I looked into creating a website and I saw the difficulty in making all of the pages, for this is have chosen to change it to an advert in a magazine.

CD digi pack template

This is the template that I will be using for my CD s-sided pack, the reason why I have chosen this one is because I have a lot of CD’s that are laid out like this and for me is it easier to follow the conventions of these previous packs that have been made.

The three templates below show the insides, outsides and spinal column of the CD pack.

Starting my ancillary texts

In addition to my music video I will be doing two more pieces of extra work to go along with it (ancillary texts). The two ancillary texts that I will be doing is a 6-sided digi pack for a single CD and an advert in a magazine for a new album being released by Eddie.